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Blog Feature

Construction Technology

By: Kaiya Barrett
November 28th, 2022

If human beings are nothing else, we are adaptable creatures. The unfamiliar can be overwhelming and new processes almost always ignite some pushback. I’m sure in the beginning, the thought of using a 3D printer to produce sustainable construction materials had a crowd of folks scratching their heads. But while this technology can still feel out-of-pocket to some, it’s looking more and more like the industry’s future with a list of successful projects and long-term business advantages to tout.

Blog Feature

Construction Technology

By: Ed Williams
April 21st, 2022

As the need for construction is growing tremendously, companies have to keep pace properly. Construction companies are handling expansion by embracing new technology in construction. There are numerous technologies available at present. New technologies persist in forcing construction companies to grow.


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Blog Feature

Construction Technology

When one thinks of artificial intelligence or machine learning, one of the first things that comes to mind is a far-off, sci-fi scenario whereby a man-machine prototype like “The Terminator” takes over the world and all of humanity is at its mercy. That picture of artificial intelligence (AI) is best left in the realm of the imagination, for now at least.

Blog Feature

Construction Technology | Construction Safety

By: Ed Williams
March 11th, 2022

Globally, the construction industry is home to maximum workplace injuries and fatalities. This is why promoting a safety culture in your construction business is of great significance. But introducing a safety culture can’t happen overnight. Hence, it’s not surprising that safety is at the disposal of everyone’s minds, regardless of your location. This is why companies are moving from paper-based safety approaches to digital platforms. Today, cloud-based mobile applications and various other platforms have transformed every aspect of humans, and the construction sector is not an exception.

Blog Feature

Construction Technology

By: Ed Williams
February 22nd, 2022

2021 was a challenging but positive year for the construction industry. And the growing adoption of technology in this sector has been in the limelight. As the pandemic is pushing construction owners to invest in smart tools, several investors are recognizing the importance of this industry.

Blog Feature

Construction Technology | ConstructConnect News

By: Steven Keyser
December 21st, 2021

A Special Message from Doug Dockery, CTO, on Platform Security

Blog Feature

Construction Industry News | Construction Technology | Green & Sustainable

By: Ed Williams
September 10th, 2021

Construction is the largest global industry that accounts for 13% of global GDP. It encompasses infrastructure, industrial structures, and real estate and today many companies are adjusting their business models to embrace the next normal in construction.

Blog Feature

Construction Technology

By: Kendall Jones
September 3rd, 2021

Today, September 3, is National Skyscraper Day, chosen in honor of John H. Sullivan's birthday, the architect who coined the phrase “form (ever) follows function” and is considered the “father of skyscrapers.”

Blog Feature

Construction Technology | Construction Safety

By: Pam Guttman
August 12th, 2021

Every team has a member who operates the lowest level of enthusiasm possible. Their go-to response to any deviation from the current plan is “I’m fine this way,” even with simple process changes.

Blog Feature

Construction Technology | Construction Safety | Operating Insights

By: Ed Williams
June 25th, 2021

Construction is one of the largest industries in the world’s economy that generates trillions of dollars every year. However, the industry faces many challenges like tough competition, low profit margins, cost overruns, and tight project delivery deadlines.

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